Thursday, February 11, 2016

Multiple Image Techniques

Multiple Exposure
This was taken at an old, abandoned motor shop on the East side. I thought it would look nice because the colors on the building are all very faded and have started to blend together more, which gives the building a nice texture.

Multiple Exposure
This was taken on the East side of a mural just off of Belmont. The multiple layers makes some of the objects in the mural double or triple. I edited one of the layers to attract the observers eye and make certain aspects of the mural pop.
Multiple Exposure
I included this picture because I thought all the buildings in the back made the city look gold and the cyclists looked almost ghost like.
High Dynamic Range
I liked this image because I did not edit in any of the color, the red from stop lights and the bus lighting provided this red color and the HDR edits added to that.

High Dynamic Range
Out at night the window of a bus stop was fogged up, my friend took this opportunity to make some temporary art.

High Dynamic Range
I took this photo in a thrift store on Hawthorne, House of Vintage. They have a bunch of vintage PlayBoy magazines and I thought it was really interesting to see how times have changed and how women were portrayed in the times that these were published.
This is a panorama of a cement wall which I really liked because of the cool blue-gray colors and the green that creeps into the image.

This photo is of the twin reservoirs on one of the most beautiful February days Portland has ever seen, in my opinion.